The weekend is winding down :( But I guess I have a "weekend" for another month :)
Instead of writing in depth about everything we have done the last few days, I'll just share some highlights and observations about our time with our sweet little pumpkin. It may still be long :)
- On Thursday, Olivia had her second Dr.'s appointment. Here is what the doctor said:
- Weight: 9.88 lbs (88 percentile)
- Height: 22.5 inches (100 percentile)
- Head circumference: 14.5 inches (87 percentile)
- She has mild thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth; probably from the antibiotics I was on for my UTI :( and I am pretty sure that she passed along the thrush to me)
- We were able to get her medicine for it. Now I just need to go in to Urgent Care because I still do not have a primary care Dr. (Another thing to add to my To Do List!)
- On Thursday, we also took a trip up to Whitworth to check on uncle Ryan and with some of my students. It was great to see everyone!
- On Friday she traveled with me to Medical Lake High School to do a presentation for my job. She slept through it like a champ and let me get some work done :)
- We went to visit my students at Gonzaga and to check in on them.
- She has been sleeping really well at night; six hour stretches if not longer! Sometimes she is in her bed and sometime she is with us. We are definitely enjoying the long stretches.
- On Saturday, we got up early and went to Frank's Diner (if you have never, been there, you should go) for breakfast with our friends Anna an Erik and then back out to Greenbluff to pick more blackberries! Olivia did not like the carrier so much this time but she will get used to it. I have a feeling that she will grow out of the infant carrier much sooner than she should.
- We thought that we would forever be the late ones because of the baby. But we were happy to realize we were 15 min early to breakfast!

Just over 7 lbs! SO YUMMY! |
- Saturday was also the first day that I left Mike with Olivia, and that I left Olivia for more than a few minutes. I nursed her and took off to hang out with Anna for a little while. My hope is to not be an extreme overprotective and antsy mom. I did miss my little pumpkin but it was nice to get out without all of the extra baggage.
- We had dinner over at the uncles house. It was a delicious dinner! Thank you Katie, Jon, and Ben!
- Today we went back to the uncle's house to watch some football! We were all shocked how long Olivia slept and that she was so difficult to wake up. Yesterday we had gone to buy a new bottle because she does not like the nipples that came with the breast pump. So today we had to try the new bottle (mom wanted a Hard Apple Cider) and TA DA!! SUCCESS! This is huge because we will not be taking her to the Seahawk's game and needed to make sure that she would be able to eat and not just scream.
Lookin cute in her 3 month clothes :) |
- She just really love the water and I am so thankful! I do not like water so Mike will have to teach her how to swim. But I accidentally poured water down her face and she just sat there like it was nothing.... and then fell asleep. I would love to do that!
Other random things and some more photos:
- I was able to experience the nastiness that comes out of Olivia for the first time while her diaper was off -_- It was not pleasant. But I know that it will be way worse later.
- While I was pregnant, I had several women tell me that after delivery and while I am breast feeding that I will feel contractions as my uterus continues to return to its normal size. I did not have those contractions and fee blessed! They were definitely bad enough during labor.
- We cannot believe how quickly she is growing! Yes, having an infant is hard work but it is an amazing experience.
- It is funny to watch Mike and my brothers with Olivia. When she starts to cry, they have no idea what to do. They almost instantly try to hand her to me and hint at, "you have the boobs to quirt her down. It's your turn!". Olivia is the youngest baby that most of us have been around in years. I was thinking about it and I am pretty sure that the last time I was around a baby this young and this much was Lulu; sixteen years ago!
- So, our cats have been keeping their distance from Olivia. Over the last week, the cats have gotten rowdy and fussy themselves. The other day I was feeding Olivia on the couch. I guess that Troy had had enough and jumped up on my lap to claim his spot back. HAHA! I see a few more battles in the future.
"He jacked my spot!" |
HAHA! So True... Thank you John Pryor for the card! |
No sure if this was a yawn or the start of crying... It could be a mix... |
She has this SUPER CUTE little sigh that she does. I was finally able to capture it on video :)
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