Monday, October 20, 2014

Two Years with My Love

Part of me cannot believe how quickly these two years have gone by and part of me says, "we have been together for over 11 years! What does two mean?" :D Well, it means a lot. 

It means Mike deciding that teaching music is not for him.
It means having a rabies scare and having to put our cat down. 
It means deciding to work for the YMCA so that I can run the Act Six program.
It means getting two new kitties <3.
It means watching Mike build his own computer and find his passion.
It means getting pregnant.
It means moving to a new home.
It means giving birth to the most precious baby girl that anyone could ask for.
It means attending TWO Seahawks games.
It means doing Bloomsday twice without training.
It means another year under our belt.
It means learning to become parents.
It means getting finances under control.
It means tears and heartbreak.
It means laughs and bad jokes :) .
It means almost losing my husband in a car accident and knowing that God had plans for him still.

^^^that is just a few.

Two years ago I walked down the isle, was the most calm and at peace that I have ever been in my life, and married my best friend. So many blessings and challenges and all to help us grow as individuals, as a couple, and as a family. Life is not easy but I will say that we have been blessed over the last two years. If you have ever spent a significant amount of time with me, you know that I can be pessimistic, a Debbie-downer, and negative. Well, those are the terms that other people use; I like to use realist. Either way, I can seem to come across as unhappy a lot of the time. I am actually happy with where we are right now. No one is perfect and life could always be worse. As I get prepared to go back to work next week, I am really starting to understand the saying, "take time to stop and smell the roses". I have heard a saying: Your life is exactly the way that you want it to be because otherwise you would be doing something to make a change". I realize that there are things that are out of our control but I also believe that God does not give us more than we can handle. I am content with where we are. Small steps. We WILL get to where we dream of being (realistically speaking).

I have loved Mike for over 11 years now. It is weird to think that even way back then, I knew that God had a plan for us. I love my little family. I always tell Olivia that I love her and that the only person that I love more is her daddy because he gave her to me.


Today Olivia and I hung out with great-grandma Joan, uncle Skip, and aunt Carleen while Mike slept. Then while Skip and Carleen went to the hotel to do some work, the other three of us went to Hobby Lobby! Great-grandma bought Olivia her first stocking and ornament. You have to see the stocking below! It is waaaayyy too cute! :D

I AM SO IN LOVE! :D Look at those glasses! HAHAHA!

Once Mike woke up and Skip and Carleen met back at our house, they gave us some money and kicked us out of the house to go to dinner. We ended up going to Anthony's and it was delicious! Of course I had a steak because I do not like fish... YUCK! It was nice to get away for a little while. If you follow me on Facebook, you may remember last year we decided to pick from a jar what state we would travel to the next year for our anniversary. We were supposed to go to Vegas but with the new addition, Vegas was put back in the mix. As I am typing this, I realized that we forgot to pick a new state -_- so we will be doing that when Mike gets home.

Everyday Olivia is smiling more. It is so wonderful to see her with all of her relatives and to watch the bonds start to blossom. Talk about a wiggle worm! Great-grandma made me realize my mommy dilemma of the day:

How do moms have time to get everything done in the day? I heard great-grandma sing the ABC's to Olivia. I know that she won't be saying them for a long time, but I haven't even sung that song to her! :/ And then I realized that I have only read a book to her about three times. 

I am a teacher.

I. Know. Better. 

Reading to your kids is so important for day one. I want to make sure that Olivia loves to learn if nothing else. Man, there are just never enough hours in the day. It is 10:35 and I am still awake and feel like I spent no time with my baby. Is it bad that as soon as I am done here, I am going to pick up my sleeping Pumpkin from her bed and will take her to my bed to snuggle? I have heard that it is a bad habit but with Mike gone working graveyards, I get lonely and I do love to snuggle with her. It is all a work in progress.

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend and today. Enjoy!

I know I know... where are those big beautiful eyes!?!?!

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