Okay grandma Cole, you were right... she definitely has her daddy's chin :D |
Just a few pictures from this morning while I was messing with the filters on my camera. I think baby girl is going through a growth spurt. She has been sleeping so much today! Well, the last several days really. Not sure if I mentioned it last night but I scheduled her 4 month check-up. EEEKKK! That is scary to think about. Now to make a list of things to talk to the doctor about. The ladies I have talked to are correct, you never really regain the memory from pregnancy brain. I also think that doctors just make me nervous.
Working on rolling over! |
Hanging out at mom's work |
Pretty pink hat from honorary grandma Marlene (my best friends mom)! |
Trying to eat her new friend. HAHA! |
Our first full day in Cali was Olivia's three month birthday! (Yes, parents celebrate every month until they hit one.... if not longer).
"Mom this isn't my normal sign!" |
Nom nom! |
Wearing red for the holiday season :) |
Great-grandma Alice invited basically the WHOLE family over to see us. Not everyone could make it but we were so happy to see the people that we did: My mom's half-siblings Lisa, Albert, and Vera, Albert's daughter Simmone, great-great-aunt Ida, my mom's cousins Wanda and Brian, his wife Greta, and his son Ryan. (Great-grandma Alice, you may need to help me with name spellings).
We had homemade, great-grandpa's recipe Gumbo! It was so yummy. If you have never had Gumbo, it is worth trying but don't get it as a restaurant. I have my grandpa's recipe and my sister Kristen has made it a few times.
Olivia was definitely over stimulated and at one point I put her in the Ergo front carrier and Megan and I took a walk. I did not know what else to do to get her to calm down. She had puked on two of my outfits in 5 minutes and several of her own outfits throughout the day. Talk about some hills! I need to stop complaining about the hills in Seattle. My mom called us and said that we needed to come back for pictures. Great! It was not going to happen. Thank you great-aunt Vera for coming to pick us up!
Olivia getting sugar on her feet by great-grandma's brother Jerry |
Great-aunt Lisa holding Olivia |
Lisa, grandma, and Albert |
grandma, Albert Simmone |
me, Simmone and Megan (cousins!) |
Grandma, Lisa, and Vera |
Grandma, Lisa, Vera, and great-grandma |
Jerry and Olivia |
If any of you are reading this, we were so happy to be able to spend the day with you all! Thank you for taking the time to visit with us!
After everyone left, Olivia calmed down and we were able to just hang out with auntie Megan and relax in the living room. She is definitely working on her leg muscles. The doctor told us to help her stand to work on her leg strength and just to follow her when she wants to sit. This girl will stand for 2 minutes! I try to ease her down but I can feel her pulling herself up while she death grips my fingers.
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