This early afternoon, I woke up Olivia from her nap in her swing. I had heard her fill her diaper earlier and figured that I would change her and then give her some tummy time. As I took off her diaper after laying her down, I saw the face: that squished face babies make when they are trying to push something out. With my hands preoccupied with holding her legs and reaching for a wipe, she did indeed push something out onto the changing mat. Gross! Thankfully it was just a little bit. It took a few more wipes to clean up the mess before I could resume wiping her down and putting on the new diaper. And then it happened.... She pushed again and LAUNCHED a POOP (if you can call it that) ATTACK at her wall!! EWWWW!!!! It was running down the wall faster than I could move my hand with the wipe to catch it! Without a doubt, I used half a package of wipes to clean up the mess. She did not seem bothered by the fact that I was pulling her legs this way and that way for a good five minutes (exaggeration) in order to get it all before I could resume putting on a clean diaper. I really wanted to scream or freak out loudly but I did not want to wake Mike up. All I can say is that Mike is lucky it was not him, and I am lucky that I had her bottom angled towards the wall. If it had squirted at me, I may have not only needed a shower, but a margarita and a deep tissue massage. Don't worry, I did not take a picture of it, and for the sake of everyone, I will not describe it in detail.... you're welcome :)
Other than that, we had a quiet day. In the evening I decided to take Olivia for a walk so that Mike could take a nap before work. I had just pumped and she had just woken up from a nap. We ended up walking to Kmart (20 to 25 minutes each way). Yeah, she decided to scream the whole way there and the whole way back. For about three minutes in the store she was quiet but then started screaming again. She sleeps a lot and seems to almost always cry or eat when she is awake. I do not think she has colic, but I do wonder if I am not producing enough milk.
I am finally starting to get a bedtime routine for her though! Tonight she ate, took a bath (not normal), was wrapped up in a blanket, and bounced on the yoga ball (a God send!). It put her to sleep and I was able to lay her in her bed without her waking up. Now I have time and both hands to clean, pack, and blog. I should probably remember to get some sleep too since I will be the one driving at 6am :/
Olivia is starting to enjoy time on the floor where she can sprawl out. I have noticed though that her hands are almost always cold. She must get her poor circulation from her mama :( Poor baby. She continues to work on her leg muscles and I am pretty convinced that she is going to just skip the crawling phase. Mike is convinced that she is almost ticklish. He had her on his lap and was "tickling" her and she was giving us half smiles and seemed like she wanted to laugh but did not know how. She is such a cutie! I find myself wanting to always wake her up when she is sleeping so that I can see her beautiful, blue eyes and smile. While at the same time, wanting her to go to sleep every time she is awake so that she is not on the verge of tears and I am able to have the use of both hands. There isn't too much that she can do while she is awake so it is just a matter of figuring out what will entertain her. It will all balance out eventually.
It is crazy that she already fits 3 month clothes very well. She eats like a monster! We finally were able to get her some insurance just waiting for the info packet, and then we will be able to take her in to the doctor again. I am curious as to her measurements now :)
Alright, I need to get back to packing. I am not sure if I will be posting the next couple of days but I will try, even if it is just photos.
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I feel like in half of her photos we get a profile |
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She loves her aunties! All of them! <3 |
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Jammies after a bath! |
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I'm liking the curls |
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Ta Da! Our new couch! |
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